I am an 82 year old woman who had always felt I must have had a stomach made of iron, because I always ate anything and everything and a lot of them. However, came the day I met a situation where I internalized a stress condition that built up, and I decided to reach out to a health practitioner for relief. He added to my vitamin regimen and gave me a tranquilizer where both had failed. However, he did not inquire about my eating habits. As a result the combination of those two elements raised my heart rate to 179, which put me in the hospital. I was sent home with 4 more medications that made me very sick and for 2 weeks I could not eat, walk or sleep. Consequently, I refused to continue to take them. I was put on blood pressure medication for 2 years when I decided to search for a holistic doctor. I found Dr. Costanza of Wakefield and began sessions with him. Right away, Dr. Costanza fine-combed my diet and eating habits. He made modifications to the foods I was eating and adjusting my vitamin intake as well. In a time frame of only one year my blood pressure medication was cut in half to finally none. Today my blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar and all numbers are at their desired optimal requirements and I am off the blood pressure medication. I gave this testimony as an example of a person who is proof that we are what we eat. And I ask that if you are in hearing range of these words, to heed my waring to “eat to live and love not live to eat and die because die you will……….and there will not always be a warning.
Anne M.